In some cases, if a person has been charged with a crime but has not been convicted, they might be able to have their criminal record expunged. The information remains accessible once the record is sealed, but it does not "vanish." Specific sorts of employers, such as law enforcement organizations and the legal system, can still access expunged and sealed records.
Our Orlando sealing and expungement criminal records lawyer could help you safeguard your reputation, career opportunities, and other assets.
Expungement is possible after 10 years in circumstances where records can be sealed. Before records may be expunged, they must first be sealed. Serious charges including arson, homicide, abduction, and terrorism cannot be expunged or sealed, even if there is no conviction.
Based on the facts of the individual charge, qualifying juveniles' records are automatically wiped at the age of 24 or 26. A juvenile can seek to have their records expunged if they complete a diversion program or if criminal charges are dismissed.
Regarding charges for which an individual has been convicted, record expungement and sealing are not accessible, and the state of Florida does not allow someone to have more than one expunged record.
A significant advantage of having a sealed criminal record is that it is lawful in many instances for a person with an expunged or sealed record to respond "No" when questioned if they've ever been arrested or accused of a crime.
By providing a completed request file to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), you can have your record expunged and/or sealed on your own.
This is, nonetheless, a major concern that shouldn’t be overlooked. Legal counsel with expertise in this field of law can help you fill out the necessary documents. Instead of attempting to manage this procedure on your own, our criminal defense lawyers can aid you.
In many situations, law enforcement agencies conduct a full background check on an application for expungement or sealing, which can take up to 12 weeks (or longer).
The inquiry has numerous moving components and is designed to determine if you are eligible for record expungement or sealing in the first place. We won't be able to speed up the process. Requests are analyzed by the FDLE as they are received.
Furthermore, the last thing anyone wants to do is wait 12 weeks only to be informed that they forgot to provide crucial information on the request. Your expungement lawyer makes sure that you have all of the necessary information.
You must not only give the FDLE accurate information, but you must also ensure that you obey the requirements. Having your criminal history record expunged or sealed might provide you with a lot of advantages. Your lawyers will be able to double-check your forms.
The court might reject your attempt if you misinterpreted the regulations or gave the package to the wrong person.
You can benefit from having your records sealed or expunged in a number of ways. Aside from being able to legally deny that the criminal offense ever happened (for instance, on an application form), the below is also applicable:
The internet is a fantastic tool that facilitates global contact; however, it might also be a huge liability for a person with a Florida criminal record. Even after you've paid the fine or served a prison sentence, supposedly erasing your obligation to the community, your record may still linger behind you online and hinder your future capacity to work, live, and communicate with others.
It's not impossible to live a life without the stigma of a criminal charge by having it sealed or expunged from public view. Our law firm in Orlando is dedicated to fighting for your basic rights to a new beginning. If you were not convicted, you can expunge or seal your criminal record to put the past behind you as per Florida law.
It is not easy to navigate your way around the criminal justice system. An Orlando expungement lawyer from our law offices can help as we value our attorney-client relationship! Call us to speak with one of our representatives about expunging and sealing criminal records. You don't have to have a legal case with you for life because you were a part of one. If you were accused yet not convicted of a felony misdemeanor or drug possession, an attorney from our law firm might be able to seal your records.